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Wealth Coach and Financial Adviser

Brendon has an uncontrollable passion for challenging, coaching and mentoring with the aim of continual improvement (TQM) for his people, personal clients and business owners.


As an overachiever:


  • Created 3 Start-Up Businesses in Thailand.

  • Established Barnes Wealth Management in 2001, a financial planning business that built a portfolio of $100 million under management in its first four years.

  • Operations Manager with 220 people working under him, on a $22 million budget for Telstra in Western Australia.

  • Coached Western Australian State Basketball teams.

  • Top Electrical Apprentice under Western Australian Electrical Trade.

  • Designed and built 3 homes.


Brendon is currently:


  • Managing Director and Principal Adviser: Datasoft Enterprises  T/A Barnes Wealth Management

  • Chairman & Founding Director: IXP Consulting (International) Co Ltd. - Thailand.

  • CEO: AusThai Capital (Thailand) and AusThai Capital (Australia)

  • Founding Partner in Nalinrat Enterprises: Computer Centre and Wholesale Facility - Thailand.


Academically he has:


  • Graduated from Stanford Business School (Strategic Management).

  • Bachelor of Business (Finance) - ECU Perth WA.

  • Advanced Diploma of Financial Services (Financial Planning).

  • Diploma in Electrical Engineering.


Brendon has a want to give back to the community and to make the world a better place, so naturally, he's seeking clients that seek to challenge the status quo. He has built a knowledgeable and passionate team that is ready to challenge beliefs for greater rewards.





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